Partners and Collaborators

We thank all of our partners, collaboration with whom make our work possible and sustainable. Together, we will continue to achieve common goals and have a greater collective impact.

Listed alphabetically.

As part of TARII’s goal of transparency, we are developing this informational page that will highlight our project partners; institutions with whom TARII has signed an MoU, contract, and/or other such agreement. If your organization should be listed, contact us to confirm permissions.

The council of overseas research centers

CAORC is a private nonprofit federation of independent overseas research centers (ORCs) that promotes advanced research, particularly in the humanities and social sciences, with a focus on the conservation and recording of cultural heritage and the understanding and interpretation of modern societies. TARII is a member of CAORC, which supports TARII through advocacy and an annual grant provided by the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs of the U.S. Department of State.

IICROM - International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Property

ICCROM is an intergovernmental organization working in service to its Member States to promote the conservation of all forms of cultural heritage in every region of the world. In 2022, TARII partnered with IICROM to support the emergency conservation of an Al-Jaff Palace in Iraq under their First Aid and Resilience for Cultural Heritage in Times of Crisis (FAR) program.

the violet jabara charitable trust

The Violet Jabara Charitable Trust was founded in May 2007, to continue the philanthropic work of its founder Dr. Linda K. Jacobs, and is named after her mother, Violet Jabara Jacobs. The mission of the Trust is two-fold: to help improve the lives of the people in countries of the Middle East and to foster greater understanding of Middle Eastern culture in the United States. In 2024, the Trust awarded funding support for the final development and establishment of TARII’s Research Center and Library in Baghdad.

J.M. Kaplan fund

The J.M. Kaplan Fund was established in 1945 as a philanthropic organization, focusing on three program areas: social justice, the environment, and heritage conservation. TARII and the J.M. Kaplan Fund developed a collaborative partnership on heritage programs in Iraq in 2023. This includes funding for the Heritage Grants Program, the construction of a storage building for the Nimrud Rescue Project, and a convening on the development of a site plan for Nimrud.

Tarkib organization for arts and culture

In 2023, TARII and Tarkib signed an educational and cultural collaboration agreement. This agreement covers several upcoming projects in Iraq. Tarkib is an Iraqi NGO and a platform for the research, training, production, and presentation of contemporary art dedicated to promoting emerging and mid-career Iraqi artists. Tarkib also seeks to provide public access and comprehensive information on Iraq’s modern and contemporary arts.

The University of Kurdistan Hewlêr has a mission to educate, inspire, and prepare future leaders while contributing to regional and global progress through research and innovation. They have a vision to be the leading internationally recognized university in the Kurdistan Region and Iraq and a catalyst for political, economic, scientific, and social development. The university and TARII signed a collaborative program agreement in 2024, under which TARII now maintains our office in Erbil at the university while offering two one year fellowships for students. This agreement was signed specifically with the Centre for Environmental Studies.