2021 TARII Fellowship Awards

We were pleased to receive so many excellent fellowship proposals this year, illustrating the quality of research being conducted in and on Iraq. Congratulations to our 2021 TARII Fellows!

Joseph Kotinsly, University of Texas, Austin

Remembering Karbala: Approaching a Social History of Iraqi Shi’I Society, 1980-2003

Angham Salim Mohammed, Nebuchadnezzar II Museum

The Importance of Pigs in Mesopotamia from 2112-1000 BC

Allison Stuewe, University of Arizona

Iraqi Yezidi Refugee Strategies in Germany for Navigating Competing Political Projects

Ali Ahmed Abdulateef, University of Baghdad

Documenting the Ancient Heritage of Handmade Crafts in Mandali City, Iraq

Aqeel Almansrawe, State Board of Antiquities and Heritage

Before the Collapse, Documenting the Sasanian Castles of the Northern Nasiriya Province

Muzahim Hussein, State Board of Antiquities and Heritage

Recording Nimrud’s Lost Architecture and Material Culture