The 2019 TARII Dissertation Award

TARII is pleased to announce the winners of the 2019 Dissertation Award for research in medieval or modern Iraq!

After considerable review by an award committee and confirmation by the TARII Board, we are honored to recognize two scholars for their pivotal research in medieval or modern Iraq. You can find abstracts of their dissertations on the recipients page here.

يسر معهد تاري اعلان اسماء الفائزين بجائزة 2019، وهما دكتورة اليسا والتر والدكتور فيصل حسين اللذان فازا مناصفة بجائزة العراق الحديث او العصور الوسطى.

Dr. Faisal Husain, “The Tigris-Euphrates Basin Under Early Modern Ottoman Rule, c. 1534-1830”

Dr. Husain is currently a residential fellow at the Notre Dame Institute for Advanced Study while working to revise his dissertation into a book manuscript.

Dr. Alissa Walter, “The Ba’th Party in Baghdad: State-Society Relations through Wars, Sanctions, and Authoritarian Rule, 1950-2003”

Dr. Walter is also revising her dissertation for publication including a new chapter entitled "Concrete Blast Walls and Neighborhood Councils: State-Society Relations in Baghdad after Saddam Hussein," which will focus on state-society relations from 2003-2010. She has plans to do additional fieldwork in Iraq and Jordan this summer to inform this new chapter.

A portion of her dissertation findings have been published:

The article "Sex Crimes and Punishments in Baghdad" appeared in POMEPS 35, Religion, Violence, and the State in Iraq (2019).

"Petitioning Saddam: Voices from the Iraqi Archives" appeared as a chapter in an edited volume entitled Truth, Silence, and Violence in Emerging States: Histories of the Unspoken, edited by Aidan Russell (Routledge 2018)

TARII would like to thank everyone for the amazing nominations submitted for this year’s prize. We are consistently encouraged and supportive of all of the great research being done in and on Iraq.