The 2020 TARII Fellowship Awards

We are pleased to announce the 2020 TARII Fellows!

Due to limitations in our 2020 programming as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, TARII has shifted funds in order to provide for more research fellowships this year. TARII, with the feedback and support of a scholarly review committee, has selected seven Iraqi fellows and five American fellows. Our four American fellows and their research are listed below. For security reasons, similar information on the seven Iraqi fellows will be provided if and when they provide their consent.


  • Jordan Brown, University of California, Berkeley

Historical Socioecology of the Erbil Plain: Geoarchaeology and Remote Sensing

  • Camille Cole, PhD, University of Cambridge

    The Ottoman Gilded Age: Land, Law, and Capital in Basra, 1884-1914

  • Avary Taylor, Johns Hopkins University

    The "Thing" About the Palace: A Posthumanist Biography of the Northwest Palace

  • Gabriel Young, New York University

    Basra, State Formation, and Transnational Urbanization in Iraq and the Gulf, 1920s-1960s


  • Aqeel Almansrawe, State Board of Antiquities and Heritage

    Documentation of Endangered Archaeological Sites in the Marsh Region of Maysan Province, Iraq

  • Muntadher Aloda, State Board of Antiquities and Heritage

    Al-Shanashil Heritage Buildings in Basra: Documenting the Deterioration and Threats

  • Karwan Amin, PhD, Hawler Medical University

    Exploring people’s perceived risk and protective behavioural change towards COVID-19 in Iraqi Kurdistan Region

  • Etlal Hanna, PhD, University of Al-Hamdaniyah

    Tourist Development of the Religious Heritage Sites in the Nineveh Plain

  • DLshad Aziz Marf, PhD, and Ziyad Ahmad Mohammed, PhD, University of Sulaimani

    The Jewish Knešta (synagogue) in Ancient Arbela: Archaeological and Historical field survey

  • Nassier Al-Zubaidi, PhD, University of Baghdad

    Iraqi Complimenting Behaviour in Facebook and Instagram Platforms: A Cyber-Pragmatics Perspective